A nice crowd enjoyed Tri-County Electric’s Annual Meeting on Thursday, May 4, 2023, at the Lafayette, Tennessee office.
The lucky winner of the $100 to start the meeting was Ms. Barbara Blankenship. Ron Alan Powell, Lafayette District Director, welcomed everyone to the meeting, followed by the Invocation from Russell Cherry, Manager of Purchasing. The Reading of Notice and Proof of Mailing, and presentation of the minutes was read by Greg Traylor, Board Attorney.
Paul Thompson, Tri-County Electric CEO, thanked the members for their attendance and support of Tri-County Electric, especially during the record low temperatures and windstorm we have encountered this past year. He reported on Tri-County Electric’s strong financial position that will allow more upgrades and fiber installations in different areas.
In addition to the cash prize, Tri-County Electric gave away $5000 in gift certificates over the 10 Member Appreciation Days and every member that attended received a coffee mug. Everyone enjoyed refreshments provided at each location.
As required by the Tri-County Electric Bylaws, a meeting of the Board of Directors was held immediately following the Annual Meeting.
Officers elected were Andy Goad, District R (Red Boiling Springs), President; Ron Alan Powell, District L (Lafayette), Vice-President; Mike Miller, District S (Scottsville) Secretary-Treasurer.
We appreciate everyone that made the effort to attend our Member Appreciation Days and Annual Meeting and were glad to connect with almost 850 members over the last month! If you missed out this year, please watch for the announcements in April 2024 for our schedule of meeting dates.
Tri-County Electric Board of Directors pictured above, standing (l-r): Tommy Thompson, District H (Hartsville); Andy Goad, District R (Red Boiling Springs); Paul Thompson, CEO; Greg Traylor, Board Attorney; Mike Miller, District S (Scottsville); and Jeff Downing, District F (Fountain Run). Seated (-r): Travis Carter, District W (Westmoreland); Kelby Graves, District T (Tompkinsville); Mark Linkous, District E (Edmonton); and Ron Alan Powell, District L (Lafayette). Not pictured: Ronald Bailey, District C (Celina) and Bret Carver, District B (Burkesville).